I reckon someone would comeright up to my doorstep to chomp my head off if I should postpone this postingany further. I have been remiss, and am terribly guilty AND apologetic. 我猜想如果我再不赶快来留言,就会有人上门来把我的头给咬掉了!我真的很久没有留言了,我真的感到非常内疚也很抱歉。
Since the last message, Ihave been to Africa, Paris and Prague. I am looking forward to a relaxing tripto Shanghai, Hongkong or possibly Tokyo. 从上次我留言到现在,我去过了非洲、巴黎还有布拉格,我还很期待去上海、香港或东京做一趟轻松的旅行。
During the times when I had'disappeared from the face of mortal earth', I have been painting miniatures,playing tennis, doing yoga, earning some money, eating ba chor mee at Vivo city(Singapore), reading Agatha Christie, packing my room and watching rattymovies. 在我「从地球表面消失」的这段时间,我做了很多事情,包括:画微型画、打网球、做瑜珈、赚一些钱、吃肉脞面(在新加坡的Vivo city购物中心)、看了Agatha Christie的侦探小说,也看了好多电影。 (Leo Man按:肉脞面是新加坡的美食,有点类似台湾的肉燥面,主要是用猪的内脏和肉所制成,外加上几片薄鱼饼或鱼丸、二片菜叶和一小团面。)
Things I have beenprocrastinating include, updating you guys, repairing my scratched car andcalling the bosses. 我一直耽搁没有做的事情有:跟你们说明我的近况、送修我刮伤累累的车子,还有联络我的上司。
My brain however, has beenactively...er...active. Experience have shown that ideas pop in and out whenthere is time to breath. I believe it's called oxygenating the brain cells. Soplease, do not for a minute think that I would go away and never come back (alaJeff Buckley), I still have unfinished business. 我的脑袋总是动个不停,点子一直进进出出的,我想这就是为脑细胞补充氧气。所以,拜托绝对不要觉得我会突然就这么离开了、不再回来(就像Jeff Buckley),我还有很多未完成的工作哪。 (Leo Man按:Jeff Buckley是只发过一张专辑,就在三十岁不幸溺死于密西西比河的歌手)