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发表于 2005-12-19 11:25:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

今年适逢燕姿的母校「南洋理工大学」(Nanyang Technological University)创校50周年,从1996年开始,南洋理工大学就开始每年颁发「南洋校友奖」给杰出的毕业校友。今年燕姿也获得了奖项,尤其在「南洋理工大学」创校50周年的此刻获奖,实在更有意义。

这个颁奖典礼在上周六(12月17日)举行(请见 http://www.ntu.edu.sg/NanyangAlumniAwards/winner/default.htm ),只可惜燕姿刚好不在新加坡(在大陆南京宣传《完美的一天》专辑),或许是由孙爸或孙妈代为领奖的吧?不过肯定燕姿现在一定已经知道这个好消息了。


About the Nanyang Alumni Awards
(南洋理工大学原说明网址 http://www.ntu.edu.sg/NanyangAlumniAwards/home/default.htm

The Alumni Service Award was first set up in 1996 to recognise alumni who have rendered outstanding service and contributed in furthering the interests of the University and its alumni. Most of the previous winners played pivotal roles in their alumni associations.

This year, NTU is celebrating her 50th Anniversary, and it is befitting to launch the Nanyang Alumni Awards in commemoration of our golden jubilee. The awards will recognise more alumni who have done the University proud in the various fields with 4 new categories - Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award, Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award, Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award and Nanyang Alumni Service Award.

The Nanyang Alumni Awards will be presented to alumni who have either attained exemplary achievements in their field of specialisation either nationally, regionally or internationally, or have contributed significantly to the betterment of the University, the community or the society at large.

校友服务奖首创于1996年, 以表扬那些为南洋理工大学(以下简称为"大学")的发展和校友活动做出过突出服务的校友。过去荣膺此奖项的校友,大多数都在各校友会中扮演过重要的角色。

今年适逢大学创校50周年,为纪念大学黄金生日,颁发南洋校友奖具有十分重大的意义。南洋校友奖有四个奖项, 即南洋杰出校友奖、南洋校友成就奖、南洋优秀青年校友奖以及南洋校友服务奖。这些奖项将表扬更多在各个领域为大学带来荣誉的校友。



关于燕姿得奖理由的说明原文网址 http://www.ntu.edu.sg/NanyangAlumniAwards/winner/sunyanzi.htm

Ms Sun Yan Zi, Stefanie
Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award Winner

Ms Sng Ee Tze, more commonly known as Stefanie Sun or Sun Yan Zi in Chinese, is often portrayed as the girl next-door who made good on the international stage. Probably the most popular local artist and one of the first to make major headway in a fiercely competitive Mandarin music scene, 27-year-old Stefanie graduated from NTU in 2000 with a Bachelor of Business, majoring in marketing. In 2000, she made her musical debut with the release of a self-titled album, Yan Zi.
Sng Ee Tze小姐,大家更熟悉的是经常被描述成邻家女孩却成功跃登国际舞台的Stefanie Sun或孙燕姿。她可说是最受欢迎的本地艺人,也是本地艺人中最先在竞争激烈的华语音乐市场里大有斩获的。现年27岁的孙燕姿2000年时取得商学学士文凭毕业于本校(南洋理工大学),主修市场行销。2000年时,她以「孙燕姿同名专辑」进军音乐市场。

9 albums with more than 8 million units sold to date, she has not looked back since, and her meteoric rise in the regional Mandarin pop music scene has inspired many more Singapore artistes to follow her example and make it big in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. Stefanie has won over 33 awards and other accolades for her music including the Pan-Asian MTV Asia Awards. The pride of many Singaporeans and NTU, Stefanie had twice been chosen to perform the official theme song for National Day.

(以上燕姿获奖理由中文翻译by「孙燕姿国际歌迷会」台湾北区会长 狮子座男子Leo Man)


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发表于 2005-12-20 00:19:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-12-20 00:36:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-12-19 20:59:54 | 显示全部楼层
燕姿 你太棒了 非常的棒
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发表于 2005-12-19 23:23:08 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-12-20 12:47:23 | 显示全部楼层
[em01][em01][em01][em01][em01]燕姿已经获得超过33座奖项    赞。。。。。。
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发表于 2005-12-19 11:44:42 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-12-19 11:53:30 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2005-12-19 13:00:50 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2005-12-19 13:06:04 | 显示全部楼层



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